Types of Events

Living A Kingdom Lifestyle (Chuck)

These events typically run all day on a Saturday (although flexible), and Chuck makes himself available to speak at a church service the next Sunday. Topics include: Kingdom Identity, Prophetic Training And Activation, Healing The Sick, and Power Evangelism.

Healing Service (Chuck)

Chuck has a passion to see Jesus get what He paid for, and that includes His sons and daughters being made well. Chuck has a grace to not only release healing, but to also activate the body of Christ to lay hands on the sick and see them healed. Typically, at a healing service he teaches what the scriptures say about healing, shares healing testimonies, ministers to those in need of healing, and often activates those in attendance to heal the sick.

Prophetic Training And Activation (Chuck)

Chuck has a grace to not just prophesy, but also to train and activate the Body of Christ to hear God’s voice for others. This can be an all day event, or condensed into one session. Topics include: A Biblical Foundation For Prophesy, What Prophesy Looks Like Under The New Covenant, The Language of Heaven, and Prophetic Etiquette. Sessions are followed by times of activation. These can be one day events or condensed into shorter times.

Speaking At Conferences And Events (Chuck/Anna)

Chuck and Anna love to partner with churches and ministries by speaking at their church services, conferences and events. They lean into the Lord for what He’s speaking to His church in this hour, and they deliver timely, anointed messages that challenge, inspire, and strengthen His people. They also love to preach the gospel, and give an opportunity to anyone who has yet to know the Lord respond to the invitation to know Him.

Youth/Young Adult Events (Chuck/Anna)

Chuck and Anna have a heart to see a generation walk in both purity and power; equipped to walk in the fullness of God and live out their calling to release the kingdom wherever they go.

Women’s Events (Anna)

Anna has had the privilege of ministering at a variety of women’s conferences and events. There is a grace on her life to encourage, strengthen and impart hope to women from all walks of life.

Following the Holy Spirit

While Chuck and Anna pray about what subject to minister on, their goal is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in all that they do. They’ve realized that while the Holy Spirit helps them to plan, He may lead them in a direction that’s different than what they originally planned.